October 12, 2013

  • My Ministry Guideposts

       Two quotations from among my many Bible teachers' sayings came as thunderbolt revelations to me; and they now guide me in my ministry: 

      “It is very possible for an earnest Christian to be so poorly taught and to so misunderstand the truths of Christianity that he is unable to adequately practice the Christian life!”     (Victor Matthews, in Plant My Feet On Higher Ground, Emmaus Bible College)

       And  "True Christianity is not the formal, powerless thing that so many have come to know.  Real fellowship with the living Christ, the Anointed One, results in the destruction of every bondage, the removal of every burden, and the fulfillment of every good desire.  There is no life so exciting as the victorious life that is true Christianity."     (Keith Moore, Moore Life Ministries)

       In 1992 God commissioned me with a personal, spoken message, His Spirit to my own spirit:     "I am sending you back to Parke County (Indiana) as a foreign missionary."  

       Parke County Indiana is where I was born and raised; so His words "foreign ministry" were at first a mystery to me.  But as I began to get reacquainted with the place after nearly thirty years out in the world and maturing in my Christian faith, that mystery dissolved.  For I found myself in a culture I did not recognize from my youth: a culture of false religion, scriptural legalism and pseudo-holiness.  I found myself increasingly confronting the same spirits of the Pharisees whom Jesus Himself confronted in His own home country.

      I'm re posting this today because the Spirit of the Lord is prompting me, still again, to blog more about this ongoing confrontation in the days or weeks to come.  Jesus criticized some people who claimed to be God's people by saying they followed the traditions of men instead of the Spirit of God.  So my question today is: Do you hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit of God? Or do you hear the voice of satan repeating the ungodly traditions of men?




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